Performing construction works

Our company carries out construction projects according to the “Turnkey” system.

Bapex Invest

The company Inobačka d.o.o. completed the construction of a residential and commercial building for the investor Bapex Invest d.o.o. from Novi Sad. The 2-floor building has 47 apartments of different structures, 3 business spaces on the ground floor and 3 business spaces on the mezzanine. The building was built on a plot of 1,324 m2 and is located in Partizanska street number 62. The construction lasted less than two years.

Novkabel – Aleksandar Group

The company Inobačka d.o.o. is carrying out construction works on a plot within the Novkabela complex where two office buildings with a total gross area of ​​18,141 m2 are planned. The investor in this project is Novkabel d.o.o., a company that is part of Aleksandar group, and the designer is Lamda Group.

ŽELEZNIČKA 3 – adaptation, reconstruction and restoration

The city of Novi Sad is adorned with a number of exceptional old buildings of historical importance, and one such building is the office building in Železnička street no. 3, originally built for the needs of the National Bank of Serbia – branch in Novi Sad during the third decade of the last century. The company's intention was to restore the building, but also to preserve its original appearance and historical significance as much as possible. In addition, the interior has been renovated and adapted to the modern way of doing business. What this building is also famous for is the greenhouse, 10m high, in which there are two ficus benjamina trees over 70 years old, which are about 8m high and reach the second floor of the building.

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